Women's EURO 2025 tickets: All you need to know
lunedì 16 dicembre 2024
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All the information you need on tickets for UEFA Women's EURO 2025 in Switzerland from 2 to 27 July.
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How do I buy tickets for UEFA Women's EURO 2025 in Switzerland?
Tickets are available on womenseuro.com and ticketcorner.ch. While the sale of tickets to the fans of the participating national teams is done in close collaboration with each association following the final tournament draw, a limited number of additional tickets will be released on womenseuro.com and ticketcorner.ch at 11:00CET on 17 December.
Tickets are available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis. It is expected that the majority of newly released tickets will again be sold quickly. We advise you to visit the ticket portal at the exact start time of the sale window at 11:00 CET, when the queue opens.
For fans who are unable to purchase tickets for their desired matches more tickets will be released in February 2025. Further information will be made available on womenseuro.com.
What do tickets cost?
Tickets for group stage and quarter-final games cost CHF 25 or CHF 40, with semi-final tickets ranging from CHF 25 to CHF 70 and tickets for the final from CHF 30 to CHF 90.
Do ticket holders have any additional benefits?
Yes. Ticket holders travelling within Switzerland will benefit from free public transport. Their tickets will be valid on the matchday for a second-class round trip between any Swiss locality and the match venue.
When will I receive my tickets?
If your purchase is successful, mobile tickets will be sent to a dedicated app closer to the tournament. Distribution will not be immediate.
How will I receive my tickets?
Tickets will be delivered via the official UEFA Mobile Tickets app, which is available for free for Android and iPhone users.
How can I transfer tickets to my guests?
With the official UEFA Mobile Tickets app, fans with tickets can securely download, transfer, keep or assign a guest a ticket anytime and anywhere on an iOS/Android smartphone.
Is there a ticket resale platform?
An official ticket resale platform will be available in spring 2025 and allow fans to offer their tickets that were purchased via www.womenseuro.com/tickets for resale at face value.
This platform will enable fans to safely purchase tickets from other fans through the official UEFA sales channel. This eliminates the risk of acquiring invalid or fraudulent tickets and ensures that sellers receive their money in full.
Get the latest Women's EURO updates via the official Instagram, Twitter and Facebook channels.