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Poland captain 'Kuba' answers your tweets

With Friday's opening game in Warsaw just two days away, Poland captain Jakub Błaszczykowski took time out from his busy schedule to answer UEFA.com users' tweets.

Poland captain 'Kuba' answers your tweets
Poland captain 'Kuba' answers your tweets ©uefa.com 1998-2012. All rights reserved.

With just two days to go until UEFA EURO 2012 kicks off, UEFA.com gave users the chance to send in their questions on Twitter for Poland captain Jakub Błaszczykowski. Affectoniately known as 'Kuba', the 26-year-old answered four of your #AskKuba questions as he prepares to lead out the co-hosts in Friday's curtain-raiser against Greece in Warsaw.

Paul Ashcroft ‏@Paul0Ashcroft: As a joint host nation, do you believe there will be added pressure on the team to perform well? Can Poland be the Greece of 2004?

Jakub Błaszczykowski: Of course we can, this is my dream. I would like to end up playing for the biggest prize. However, I believe that with a lot of luck, we can cause some havoc during the tournament. It all depends on how we play in the group stage. Success at that stage will give us a lot of self-belief and it will enable us to go further.

Conrad Koczorowski ‏@SoccerExplains: What emotions will go through your head when you walk out of the tunnel wearing the Poland shirt and captain's armband?

Błaszczykowski: No matter what kind of match it is, a friendly or competitive, the feelings are the same. It's a feeling of pride and of knowing that something important is happening. I am always fully motivated to win.

Piotr Wiewiórka ‏@PiotrekAFC: What would your advice be to young players wanting to achieve something?

Błaszczykowski: It is all about training hard, willpower and strength of character. If you have these traits, you can achieve a lot and you can see that in football matches at the highest level. Sometimes a team which is thought to be the weaker one is able to beat a team consisting of great individuals and stars.

It's all about being unyielding and uncompromising, about not being afraid to fight. It's the same in life. People who have strong characters but not necessarily as much talent as others often achieve more than those who think they are talented.

Sasha ‏@SashaVII: What do you and Poland consider a successful EURO campaign?

Błaszczykowski: For us footballers, the most important goal is to get through the group stage and we should focus on that. The fans are hoping that we'll achieve something more, possibly a medal. If we raise our game to the highest level and if we are lucky enough then we can achieve something big. What will that be? I don't think it makes sense to think about it. It is better to play and see.

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