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ALIVE keeps pace with EURO preparations

The third full round of UEFA EURO 2012 qualifiers is the occasion to leaf through issue 2 of the tournament newsletter ALIVE which charts the latest developments in Poland-Ukraine.

ALIVE keeps pace with EURO preparations
ALIVE keeps pace with EURO preparations ©UEFA.com

The UEFA EURO 2012 qualifying competition is in full motion – and last month's big kick-off heralded the appearance of the second edition of the UEFA EURO 2012 newsletter ALIVE.

With preparations forging ahead for the final tournament in Poland and Ukraine in two summers' time, ALIVE – which has texts in English, Polish and Ukrainian – gives an in-depth view of the work going on behind the scenes to stage the event. Among the featured items are the people at UEFA and in the two host countries who are helping to organise Europe's blue-riband national team tournament.

Key players in the UEFA EURO 2012 team are introduced in this edition. They include the tournament directors for Poland and Ukraine respectively, Adam Olkowicz and Markiyan Lubkivskyi, and comprehensive interviews with the duo cover issues such as the benefits of hosting a EURO, public anticipation of the event and the qualities that Poland and Ukraine will show the world in 2012.

Work on the EURO stadiums and other facilities is continuing apace. ALIVE reports on the state of play at the Polish venue Poznan, and the preparations throughout Ukraine are portrayed in full. The spotlight also falls on Donetsk – the Ukrainian city of a million roses

Of course, a EURO final tournament is not just about the actors on the field; the marketing of an event of this magnitude also plays a crucial role in its success. ALIVE catches the pulse of the marketing strategy and its implementation for UEFA EURO 2012 – from fanzones to domestic and international sponsoring, from official website coverage to advertising boards. As ALIVE says, the pieces are being put together to build a marketing strategy that brings a spectacular stage on which the tournament can be held.

ALIVE examines the intellectual property issues involved in UEFA EURO 2012, whereby sponsors, broadcasters and licensees gain exclusive privileges to promote their products and activities or to use brands and marks, including the logo and mascot. The article explains how UEFA and its partners work to combat unauthorised activities such as ticket-mongering or violations of commercial and advertising rights.

Last February's draw for the qualifying competition in Warsaw brought the kick-off to the EURO adventure, and ALIVE recalls a special day in the Polish capital. Add to that an overview of the major milestones in the run-up to the tournament, and a nostalgic look back to 1968 – when the toss of a coin put Italy into the final on home soil – and 1972, when a brilliant West German side swept to the European title, and ALIVE is an essential read for those wishing to be in the know about UEFA EURO 2012 in Poland and Ukraine.

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