Dove guardare UEFA EURO 2016
venerdì 3 giugno 2016
Intro articolo
I tifosi sparsi in tutto il mondo non si perderanno un singolo minuto di UEFA EURO 2016 grazie ai partner televisivi mondiali della UEFA. Ecco la tabella delle emittenti di tutto il mondo.
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Corpo articolo
L'ampia rete di partner televisivi di UEFA EURO 2016 garantirà la visione della fase finale in Francia a milioni di telespettatori in tutto il mondo.
Dove guardare UEFA EURO 2016: i partner televisivi
Paese: Africa
Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Camerun, Capo Verde, Ciad, Comoros, Congo, Repubblica Centrale Africana, Gibuti, Eritrea, Etiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Equatoriale, Guinea-Bissau, Costa D'avorio, Kenya, Comoros, Liberia, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Malawi, Mozambico, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Ruanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Saint Helena, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Somalia, Sao Tome e Principe, Swaziland, Togo, Tanzania, Uganda, Mayotte, Sudafrica, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Partner: SuperSport / Internet: SuperSport / Portale Mobile: SuperSport
Partner: ZAP / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Office De Radio Diffusion Télévision du Bénin / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Botswana Television / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Burkina Faso
Partner: Radiodiffusion Television du Burkina / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Radio Télévision Nationale du Burundi / Internet: Radio Télévision Nationale du Burundi / Mobile: TBC
Partner: Cameroon Radio Television / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Repubblica democratica del Congo
Partner: RTNC / Internet: TBC / Mobile: TBC
Capo Verde
Partner: Radiotelevisao Caboverdiana e infopress (RTC) / Internet: Radiotelevisao Caboverdiana e infopress (RTC) / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Television Nationale Congolaise / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Radio Television de Djibouti / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Ethiopian Television / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Gabon Television / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: GTRS / Internet: GTRS / Portale Mobile: TBC
Guinea Equatoriale
Partner: RTVGE Asonga TV / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Radiodiffusion Télévision Guinéenne / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Costa d'Avorio
Partner: RTI / Internet: RTI / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Bamba TV/KTN / Online: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: ORTM / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Malawi Broadcasting Corporation / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: ORTM / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Television de Mauritanie / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Broadcast: Televisao de Moçambique / Internet: Televisao de Moçambique / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Namibia Broadcasting Corporation / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision du Niger - Télé Sahel / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: AIT/NTA/Galaxy TV / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: TV Rwanda / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: RDTV / Internet: RDTV / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation / Internet: Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation / Portale Mobile: TBC
Sierra Leone
Partner: SLBC / Internet: SLBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Swazi TV / Internet: Swazi TV / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Azam TV / Internet: Azam TV / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: TVT / Internet: TVT / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Zimbabwe Broadcast Holdings / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Paese: America
Partner: Canal 9 / Internet: Canal 9 / Portale Mobile: TBC
Argentina (Buenos Aires)
Partner: Canal de la Ciudad / Internet: Canal de la Ciudad / Portale Mobile: Canal de la Ciudad
Argentina, Cile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perù, Uruguay
Partner: DIRECTV / Internet: DIRECTV / Portale Mobile: DIRECTV or DIRECTV Sports app
Partner: Bolivision / Internet: Bolivision / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: SporTV / Internet: Globosat play / Portale Mobile: Globosat play
Partner: TV Globo / Internet: Globo Esporte / Portale Mobile: Globo Esporte, TV Globo app
Partner: TSN, RDS / Internet: TSN, RDS / Portale Mobile: TSN, RDS
Antigua e Barbuda, Anguilla, Aruba, Barbados, Bermuda, Bahamas, Dominica, Isole Falkland (Malvinas), Grenada, Guiana Francese, Guadalupe, Guaiana, Haiti, Giamaica, Saint Kitts e Nevis, Isole Cayman, Santa Lucia, Martinica, Montserrat, Surinamee, Turks and Caicos Islands, Trinidad eTobago, Saint Vincent e Grenadines, Isole Vergini, British Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Barths, St. Eustatius, St. Martin
Partner: ESPN Caribbean / Internet: ESPN Play e ESPNFC / Portale Mobile: ESPN e ESPNFC
Partner: Telecanal / Internet: Telecanal / Portale Mobile: Telecanal
Partner: RCN / Internet: RCN e/o Deportes / Portale Mobile: RCN e/o Deportes
Costa Rica
Partner: Repretel / Internet: Repretel / Portale Mobile: Repretel o Golplay App de Repretel
Partner: TV Rebelde / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Repubblica Domenicana
Partner: Antena Latina / Internet: Antena Latina / Portale Mobile: Antena Latina
Partner: RTS / Internet: RTS / Portale Mobile: RTS
Partner: La Tele / Internet: RTS / Portale Mobile: RTS
El Salvador
Partner: TCS / Internet: TCS / Portale Mobile: App Deportes TCS
Partner: Chapin TV / Internet: Chapin TV / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Televicentro / Internet: Televicentro / Portale Mobile: Televicentro o Televicentro App
Partner: TV Azteca / Internet: TV Azteca / Portale Mobile: Azteca Deportes app
Partner: Televisa / Internet: Televisa / Portale Mobile: Televisa
Partner: Sky Sports / Internet: Sky Sports / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Canal 4 / Internet: Canal 4 / Portale Mobile: Canal 4
Partner: Medcom / Internet: Medcom / Portale Mobile: Medcom o RPC app
Partner: RPC / Internet: RPC / Portale Mobile: RPC
Partner: TV Max / Internet: TV Max / Portale Mobile: TV Max o TV Max app
Partner: Paravision / Internet: Paravision / Portale Mobile: Paravision
Partner: SNT / Internet: SNT / Portale Mobile: SNT
Partner: La Tele / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Telefuturo / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: ATV / Internet: ATV / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: Red TV / Internet: ATV / Portale Mobile: ATV o ATV app
Repubblica Domenicana
Partner: Antena Latina / Internet: Antena Latina / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: SCCN / Internet: SCCN / Portale Mobile: SCCN
Partner: Tenfield / Internet: Vera TV / Portale Mobile: Vera TV
USA, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Virgin Islands (US), Mariana Islands, Midway
Partner: ESPN, ESPN Deportes / Internet: ESPN, ESPN Deportes / Portale Mobile: ESPN app, WatchESPN app, ESPN Deportes
Partner: Meridiano TV / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Paese: Asia
Partner: CCTV / Internet: CCTV / Portale Mobile: CCTV.COM app, CCTV 5
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Butan, India, Sri Lanka, Maldive, Nepal, Pakistan
Partner: Sony SIX / Internet: Sony LIV, ESPN / Portale Mobile: Sony LIV, SONG ESPN apps
Hong Kong
Partner: PCCW / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: LeTV / Internet: LeTV / Portale Mobile: LeTV is e Android apps
Partner: MNC Sports / Internet: RCTI / Portale Mobile: RCTI
Partner: RCTI, MNC Sports / Internet: RCTI / Portale Mobile: RCTI
Partner: Sportsnavi Live / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: TV Asahi / Internet: TV Asahi / Portale Mobile: TV Asahi Mobile
Partner: WOWOW / Internet: WOWOW / Portale Mobile: WOWOW members on demand
Macao, Timor Est
Partner: ABU / Internet: TDM, TDM, RTTLEP / Portale Mobile: TDM info apps
Malesia e Brunei Darussalam
Partner: Astro Sports / Internet: Stadium Astro / Portale Mobile: Astro on the Go (live match), Stadium Astro (matchday clip)
Partner: S Media (Skynet) / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Pacific Islands
Partner: Click TV / Internet: TBC / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: ABS-CBN / Internet: ABS-CBN or Iwan TV / Portale Mobile: ABS-CBN Mobile, Sky Broadband
Partner: Eleven Sports / Internet: Eleven Sports / Portale Mobile: TBC
Corea del Sud
Broadcast: IB Media / Internet: IB Sports or IB Sports / Portale Mobile: IB Sports or IB Sports
Tailandia, Laos, Cambogia
Partner: CTH / Internet: CTH / Portale Mobile: 3 Live app
Partner: VTV / Internet: VTV Go and VTV / Portale Mobile: VTV Go app
Paese: Europa
Partner: Digitalb / Internet: Supersport / Portale Mobile: Digitalb Kudo app
Partner: Top Channel / Internet: Top Channel / Portale Mobile: Top Channel
Partner: Public TV Armenia / Internet: 1TV / Portale Mobile: 1TV
Partner: ORF / Internet: ORF or ORF / Portale Mobile: ORF, ORF Sports app
Partner: Public TV Azerbaijan / Internet: ITV / Portale Mobile: ITV
Azerbaigan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Partner: Alma Sport / Internet: Alma Sport / Portale Mobile: Alma Sport
Partner: Belarus 5 / Internet: TVR / Portale Mobile: TVR
Partner: RTBF / Internet: RTBF / Portale Mobile: RTBF Mobile app e RTBF
Partner: Sporza / Internet: Sporza (principale), Sporza (2a partita) / Portale Mobile: Sporza, (principale), Sporza (seconda partita)
Bosnia ed Erzegovina
Partner: BHRT / Internet: BHRT, Federalina, RTRS / Portale Mobile: BHRT
Partner: BNT / Internet: BNT / Portale Mobile: BNT
Partner: NOVA / Internet: NOVA / Portale Mobile: NOVA
Partner: HRT / Internet: HRT / Portale Mobile: HRT app
Partner: CYBC / Internet: Riknews / Portale Mobile: Riknews
Repubblica Ceca
Partner: CT / Internet: CT /Portale Mobile: CT
Danimarca, Isole Faroe, Greenland
Partner: DR / Internet: DR / Portale Mobile: DR
Partner: TV2 / Internet: TV2 / Portale Mobile: TV2 Sport
Partner: ETV / Internet: ERR (also ERR and ERR) / Portale Mobile: ERR app
Partner: YLE / Internet: YLE / Portale Mobile: YLE app (iOS, Android and Windows phones)
Partner: beIN Sports / Internet: beIN Sports / Portale Mobile: beIn Sports
Partner: M6 France / Internet: 6Play / Portale Mobile: M6replay
Partner: TF1 France / Internet: TF1 / Portale Mobile: myTF1
ERJ Macedonia
Partner: MKRTV / Internet: MRT / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: GPB / Internet: 1TV / Portale Mobile: 1TV
Partner: ARD / Internet: ARD, Sportschau, DasErtse / Portale Mobile: ARD Sportschau Mobile app: Sportschau e Sportschau app
Partner: ZDF / Online: ZDF / Portale Mobile: ZDF e ZDF Mobile app
Partner: ERT / Internet: ERT / Portale Mobile: TBC
Partner: MTVA / Internet: Mediaklikk, Hirado, m4sport / Portale Mobile: Mediaklikk, Hirado, m4sport
Partner: Siminn / Internet: Siminn / Portale Mobile: Sjónvarp Símans app for iOS, Android and PC/Mac
Partner: RTÉ, TV3 / Internet: RTÉ, TV3 / Portale Mobile: RTÉ Player app, 3player iOs and Android apps
Partner: Charlton / Internet: Sport 1 / Portale Mobile: Sport 1
Italia, San Marino, Città del Vaticano
Partner: RAI / Internet: RAI Sport / Portale Mobile: RAI
Partner: Sky Sport / Internet: SkyGo / Portale Mobile: SkyGo
Partner: Kazakhstan TV / Internet: Kazakhstan TV / Portale Mobile: Kazakhstan TV
Partner: Digitalb / Internet: Digitalb / Portale Mobile: Digitalb Kudo app
Partner: RTK / Internet: RTK / Mobile: TBC
Partner: LT / Internet: LTV e LTV / Portale Mobile: LMT e LTV
Partner: LRT / Internet: LRT / Portale Mobile: LRT, LRT Player (available on Android/iOS)
Partner: PBS / Internet: TVM / Portale Mobile: TVM
Partner: TRM / Internet: TRM / Portale Mobile: TRM
Partner: RTCG / Internet: RTCG / Portale Mobile: RTCG
Partner: NOS / Internet: NOS / Portale Mobile: NOS app (iOS, Android, Windows)
Partner: TV2-N, NRK / Internet: TV2, TV2SUMO, NRK, NRK, NRK / Portale Mobile: TV2 Mobile app, TV2, TV2, NRK TV app, NRK
Partner: Polsat / Internet: IPLA, Polsat / Portale Mobile: IPLA
Partner: RTP / Internet: RTP / Portale Mobile: RTP Play
Partner: Dolce Sport, Pro TV / Internet: Dolce Sport, Pro TV / Portale Mobile: Telekom TV mobile app
Partner: Channel 1, RTR, NTV Plus / Internet: Channel 1, RTR, RTV, Match TV, Sportbox, NTV Plus, NTV Plus / Portale Mobile: Channel 1, RTR, RTV, Match TV, Sportbox, NTV Plus, Match Club apps
Partner: RTS / Internet: RTS / Portale Mobile: RTS, RTS app
Partner: RTV / Internet: RTV / Portale Mobile: RTV
Partner: STVSLO / Internet: RTVSLO / Portale Mobile: RTV Slovenija - RTV 4D app
Spagna, Andorra
Partner: Mediaset / Internet: Telecinco, Mitele / Portale Mobile: Mediaset Sport app (iOS e Android)
Partner: SVT, TV 4 Sweden / Internet: SVT, SVT Play, TV 4 Play, TV 4 Play, cmore / Portale Mobile: SVT, SVT Play, TV4 Play apps su iTunes (inc Apple TV) e Google Play (inc Android TV), Fotbollskanalen, Fotbollskanalen apps su iTunes and Google Play, cmore
Partner: SRF, RTS, RSI / Internet: SRF, RTS, RSI / Portale Mobile: SRF Play, SRF Sport, RTS Info, RTS Sport, Play RTS, RSI Info, PLAY RSI, RSI
Partner: TRT / Internet: TRT / Portale Mobile: TRT Televizyon su Apple Store e Google Play
Regno Unito
Partner: BBC / Internet: BBC / Portale Mobile: BBC Sport app su Android e iOS
Broadcast: ITV / Internet: ITV, STV, UTV, Channel Online / Portale Mobile: ITV Hub app (disponibile per iOS, Android e Windows)
Partner: Media Group Ukraine / Internet: OLL / Portale Mobile: OLL
Paese: Medio Oriente, North Africa
Emirati Arabi Uniti, Bahrain, Gibuti, Algeria, Egitto, Iraq, Iran, Giordania, Kuwait, Libano, Libia, Marocco, Mauritania, Oman, Territori Palestinesi, Qatar, Arabia Saudita, Sudan, Somalia, Siria, Ciad, Tunisia, Yemen
Partner: beIN Sports / Internet: beIN Sports / Portale Mobile: beIN Connect app
Paese: Oceania
Partner: beIN Sports / Internet: beIN Sports / Portale Mobile: beIN Sports Connect
Nuova Zelanda
Partner: Sky / Internet: SkyGo / Portale Mobile: SkyGo
Qualsiasi aggiornamento sarà inserito nella lista qui sopra durante il torneo.